16143 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90603

Questions? Call us (562) 716-2868

Global Autism Research Study

Sponsored by NAR Foundation

Discover if your child is eligible to participate in the NAR Foundation's groundbreaking study on N.A.E.T treatments for children with autism linked to allergies.

If qualified to participate, your child will receive up to 50 treatments at no cost to you.

Please note: The Autism Treatment Center is located at 16143 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90603. Consultation and treatments are in-person. There is no virtual.

How to Qualify for the Research Study

  1. The child needs to be under 10

  2. Diagnosis of ASD from a Medical Doctor

  3. Qualifying lab results, defined by the Autism Research Study organizer*

*The child's labs need to show specific levels of IgE, which will be determined by the required blood test.

About Random Sampling: Placebo Group Chance

As with any study, there are two groups: treatment group and placebo group against which the treatment is measured for efficacy. This is very important.

Research study participants are randomly assigned to either group. This means there's a 50% chance a child may be placed in the placebo group and not receive treatments initially. However, at the end of the study cycle, every child will start receiving the necessary treatment at no charge to the parents.

Please keep this possibility of postponed treatment in mind. If you do not find this acceptable and need treatment sooner, please refer to the direct treatment option.

What Does the Research Indicate?

The pilot study showed 88% remission rate in the treatment group. These results are very promising, with children returning to classrooms and becoming more sociable. Please refer to the Research Study Before/After Videos of children undergoing the treatment at the bottom of the page.

Schedule In-Person Consultation (30 min)

If the child is under the age of 10, has an ASD diagnosis from an MD, and ready to take the blood test to determine IgE levels, you're welcome to schedule the in-person consultation.

Normally, this visit costs $90. However, this consultation is complimentary for potential study participants. Please fill out the form below and schedule a time.

A credit card is required to secure the consultation. This is the clinic's policy. This policy is in place to avoid no-shows. No-shows take away opportunities from other patients waiting to get scheduled.

Rest assured, your card will NOT be charged unless you fail to show up or cancel with less than 24 hours' notice. The fee for a missed appointment or late cancellation is $90.

Please do not schedule an appointment you aren't able to make

What To Do If the Child Doesn't Qualify

If the child is over age 10 or doesn't have a diagnosis from a medical doctor, rest assured that you can still get the treatments via the direct treatment option route.

How N.A.E.T Treats Autism

"After practicing medicine for over 30 years, we've realized that many illnesses, which doctors often consider incurable, can be effectively treated, including autism."–Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum is an internist and medical director of the Annapolis Research Center, specializing in effective therapies for CFS and fibromyalgia. He personally experienced and witnessed the significant impact of N.A.E.T on autism firsthand, leading him to explore it further.

He opened a foundation and conducted groundbreaking research that was published, demonstrating that an 88% autism remission rate is possible—a truly remarkable achievement previously deemed impossible. Dr. Teitelbaum continues working tirelessly on further studies and now advocates for N.A.E.T as one of the most effective treatments for allergy-induced autism.

How Food Allergies & Autism Are Related

More and more doctors, including Dr. Teitelbaum and Dr. Manny of Fox News Medical recognize that food and nutrient sensitivities can play a significant role in triggering autism.

According to Dr. Teitelbaum, Autism is a condition influenced by a variety of factors—not just one. These include environmental factors, toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, and infections. Therefore, addressing autism requires targeting and treating multiple processes, which can be challenging for conventional medicine.

The connection between autism and food allergies/sensitivities can be understood through the sensitization of children to certain food proteins, which triggers an inflammatory response. This cycle continues to affect cognitive functions in the brain. The brain is crucial for behavioral and social aspects of our lives. By removing these food allergies/ sensitivities, the inflammatory response decreases, allowing the brain and body to function properly again.

How N.A.E.T Works

From the words of Dr. Teitelbaum, M.D.: Autism is influenced by a variety of factors, including environmental insults, toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, and infections.

So you have to look for and treat many different processes. (Which is hard for conventional medicine to do).

N.A.E.T is effective in identifying and treating the many factors that may trigger autism. “Given its comprehensive approach"–Dr. Teitelbaum says–"N.A.E.T is an excellent treatment option for managing Autism”.

Can N.A.E.T Really Help Me?

Read the study, watch the case study videos before and after N.A.E.T treatments, and make your own decision.

1st Treatment - The child struggles to respond to questions or remain in one place.

15 Treatments - The child can stay in one place but still has difficulty replying to questions.

30 Treatments - Begins engaging in conversation, understanding, and answering yes or no questions.

40 Treatments - Can respond with their name, age, and other basic information.

50 Treatments - Recognizes body parts, and displays shyness and giggles.

2 Months After Treatment - Easily shows their age, knows the alphabet, counts to 10, and sings a song. Noticeable overall progress is observed.

Noticeable transformation with N.A.E.T

A family joined an NAET autism study and saw major improvements: their child began making eye contact after 15 treatments, held conversations by 30 treatments, and significantly reduced autistic behaviors by 50 treatments. Two months later, she maintained eye contact and sang songs.

1st Treatment - Does not respond to dad's name, avoids eye contact.

15 Treatments - Makes eye contact, but does not initiate conversation.

30 Treatments - Engages in conversation about her family.

50 Treatments - Mom observes a significant reduction in autistic behaviors.

2 Months After Treatment - Sings a song and maintains full eye contact.

The 88% Autism Remission

A family in the NAET protocol observed remarkable changes. Initially, the child did not respond or make eye contact. By the 15th treatment, they began engaging and hugging their sister. At 30 treatments, they confidently held conversations. By the 50th treatment, the mother noted significant behavioral and social improvements. Two months post-study, the child was socially active and confidently singing in front of an audience.

1st treatment - The child does not respond to questions or make eye contact when asked.

15 treatments - Now makes full eye contact, responds to questions, and hugs their sister upon request.

30 treatments - The child is confident, fully engaged in dialogue, and initiates discussions.

50 treatments - The mother describes significant behavioral and social improvements following completion of the NAET protocol. The child has shown massive improvements in social interactions and behavior.

2 months post-study - The child is socially active and confidently sings a song in front of an audience.

For Out of State and International Patients

Living outside Whittier, CA doesn’t exclude your child from benefiting from the treatments. Check out our Accelerated N.A.E.T Treatment Program available exclusively at The N.A.E.T Clinic.

For N.A.E.T and the Global Autism Study, The N.A.E.T Clinic is the only authorized Autism Treatment Facility in California.

During summer break, many patients travel from around the country and the world to accelerate their treatments and get the benefits much sooner, in a fraction of the time.

Why Choose Our Accelerated Treatment Program?

Our program condenses months of treatment into compressed blocks. Participants who choose the direct treatment path (outside of the study) can receive up to three treatments a day, by special arrangement.

This means fewer trips, less time away from home, and quicker results. Many families tell us they spend over 20 hours a week running to different therapies that they no longer need after completing their child's treatments.

Vacation and Treatment Combined: Our clinic is surrounded by great hotels, restaurants, and attractions, making it easy to turn your treatment journey into a family getaway.

Making Your Treatments a Mini Vacation:

Not only will you receive top-tier medical attention and personalized treatment plans, but you can also take advantage of the area's world-renowned amenities.

Imagine improving your child's health while enjoying sunny beaches and exploring attractions like Disneyland and Hollywood. Our clinic's prime location allows you to blend your healthcare journey with relaxation and adventure, making the child's treatment experience both effective and enjoyable.

Visit our Accelerated Treatment Program Page for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my child has peanut and other allergies?

If your child has peanut or other allergies, NAET may be an effective treatment. It is designed to help reduce or eliminate allergic reactions by de-sensitizing the body to allergens

Is the treatment holistic?

Yes. Hear Dr. Teitelbaum & Dr. Manny explain.

How much is the Autism Study treatment?

If qualified, the entire course of treatments is sponsored by the Nambudripad Allergy Research Foundation.

How can I qualify for the research study?

You qualify if your child:

-is under 10 years old

-has a diagnosis from an MD with Autism-spectrum disorder

-has qualifying lab results, defined by the Autism Research Study organizer

If you qualify for the study, please review the information about random sampling and the required blood test, then fill out the form above to receive a complimentary first consultation.

What is NAET?

NAET stands for Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques. It is a holistic therapy developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad, D.C., L.Ac., M.D.(WI), Ph.D.,(Acu). NAET combines principles from acupuncture, chiropractic, nutritional management, and kinesiology. NAET addresses allergies, sensitivities and intolerances that to many patient’s surprise, led to their long list of symptoms, illnesses and diseases.

How does NAET work?

According to Dr. Devi Nambudripad, M.D. (WI), D.C., L.Ac., Ph.D. (Acu.) the founder and developer of NAET, NAET is a combination of Allopathy & Western Sciences, Kinesiology, Chiropractic, Acupuncture/Oriental Medicine and Nutrition. NAET works on the principle that allergies and sensitivities are caused by energy imbalances in the body. By using a combination of acupressure, acupuncture, and energy balancing techniques, NAET aims to reprogram the body’s response to allergens and restore balance.

Are staff certified?

The NAET Clinic staff are physicians and certified NAET practitioners. If you’re looking for a traditional allergist, you’re at the wrong place. If you’re looking to get rid of your allergies and sensitivities without shots or pills and eat whatever you want, you’re at the right place.

What conditions can NAET help with?

NAET can help with a wide range of conditions, including allergies, food sensitivities, environmental sensitivities, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, respiratory conditions, skin problems, and more. It is also believed to address underlying issues that may contribute to chronic conditions.

How long does it take to see results with NAET?

The timeline for experiencing results with NAET can vary depending on the individual and the condition being addressed. Some people may notice improvements after a few sessions, while others may require more treatment. The practitioner will guide you through the process and set realistic expectations.

We want to caution individuals are constitutionally different with anatomic variations, and results vary depending on other factors and lifestyle. Unfortunately there are no shortcuts in NAET®. Therefore, we respectfully advise anyone seeking a quick fix or a shortcut not to begin for many reasons.

What is NAET's success rate?

NAET has been successfully treating patients with chronic pain and chronic illnesses for over 40 years, since 1983. 80% – 90% of the patients treated thus far by NAET® have experienced complete or near-complete relief from their allergic symptoms to the items for which they have been treated. These include conditions such as IBS/IBD, Arthritis, Cholesterol, Chronic Cough, Eczema, Fibromyalgia-related symptoms, Headaches/Migraines, Insomnia, Asthma, Allergies, Milk intolerances, Wheat and Gluten intolerances, and much more!**

**The percentages referenced are derived from patients who have strictly adhered to the prescribed 25-hour avoidance after each therapy treatment, completed the protocol in the prescribed order, along with completing desensitization of the individual component items for each of the food “mix” grouped and treated, and tested and/or treated for any weak items in Kit #1, along with specific allergic items shown on their lab test related to their health condition. Success rate does not include patients that did not complete the protocol in the prescribed order or who chose to treat specific items before completion of the protocol.

What are the benefits of the NAET Autism Treatment​

  • Every participant receives the Therapy eventually

  • Roughly 80% of the treated children had their autism diagnosis removed by their own individual doctors and neurologists

What are the risks of the NAET Autism Treatment​

The risk is your child possibly being assigned to a placebo treatment group.

How can I learn more about NAET?

Please refer to the before-after videos at the bottom. Feel free to learn more by visiting this page.

Where is your clinic located?

We’re located at 16143 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90603.

What if I don't have a diagnosis from an MD?

Unfortunately, participants must have an official diagnosis to join the study. We recommend seeking a diagnosis from your medical doctor (MD).

If obtaining a diagnosis isn’t feasible, you might consider treating directly, which show significant improvements. Please call us with any questions: (562) 716-2868.

How to schedule the 1st visit?

Click the button below to schedule your complimentary visit.

Study Shows 88% Autism Remission Rate with N.A.E.T.

"Parents of children with autism who are seeking effective and affordable treatments can breathe easier as this study unfolds"–Experts Say

Advances in medical and holistic treatments are always evolving. What we thought was impossible before is now possible, and also proven.

We're proud to announce the recent N.A.E.T. Autism study held by The Autism Research Foundation that showed tremendous 88% Autism remission rate.

These results are astounding.

Children in the N.A.E.T. group showed significant improvements across multiple measures, with 23 out of 30 rejoining regular school classes, while the control group saw no progress.

This study highlights N.A.E.T.'s potential as a transformative approach for autism treatment, offering hope and a clear path forward for many families.

There is Hope

Remission from Autism is Possible

Do you feel overwhelmed by the lack of effective treatments for your child's autism?

Have you tried numerous therapies with little to no success?

ABA and other therapies are great. However, they address symptoms. N.A.E.T goes deeper. And with a lot of hard work on the part of the physician, N.A.E.T figures out and treats the cause.

We understand the immense dedication and effort parents put into their children's well-being, often spending 20-50+ hours per week on therapies like ABA, speech, OT, PT, SIT, and parent training. Some families even face the challenging decision of keeping their children out of school to focus on 40 hours of ABA therapy. We empathize with the overwhelming demands this places on parents.

At the N.A.E.T Clinic, we offer a compassionate and effective solution. N.A.E.T's comprehensive holistic approach more than just complements existing therapies. At a 88% remission rate, clearly in time, the need for such intensive schedules and overwhelming demands on parents will be eliminated.

Focus of the N.A.E.T. Treatment

N.A.E.T focuses on tackling food and environmental allergies, recognizing that these allergies can lead to various health issues beyond just sneezing.

Undiagnosed food and environmental allergies can cause poor nutrient absorption and malabsorption, leading to all kinds of modern disease.

By addressing food and environmental allergies, N.A.E.T has helped countless patients over the past 40 years, improving conditions ranging from digestive disorders to neurological issues, including autism.

N.A.E.T. is simple and non-invasive, It combines principles of acupressure and applied kinesiology to identify and desensitize the body to various allergens.

What is N.A.E.T?

By using a combination of acupressure and kinesiology, NAET aims to desensitize the body to specific allergens, reducing or eliminating allergic reactions.

This method can address various issues beyond typical allergy symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, digestive problems, and even some behavioral issues associated with autism.

By treating and eliminating these underlying degrees of allergies/sensitivitiees, countless patients over 40+ years experience significant improvements in their overall health and quality of life.

As seen on the news and TV

Hundreds of Video Reviews

Published Case Studies

Come Meet Us At Our Brand New Whittier Location!

16143 Whittier Blvd, Whittier, CA 90603, USA

16143 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90603

(562) 716-2868

Thousands of satisfied families...

Thousands of satisfied families have seen real improvements in their children's health after NAET treatments. Here’s what some of them have to say:

“This kid is not autistic! Not anymore! No way!"

A letter from a N.A.E.T. Customer:

I would be ungrateful, indeed, not to tell you about my son, and not to thank you, Dr. Devi, from the bottom of my aching heart for working so hard not only in discovering this wonderful technique, but for spreading the word and training so many doctors!

My four-year-old son, Alex, has not been without allergies a day in his life. Two months ago, he was diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome (a.k.a. High-Functioning Autism). A licensed social worker has been working with Alex’s refusal to eat and difficulty with textures, etc. for over a year now. I researched through the internet for over a month about Asperger’s and any possible cure.

A month into my research, I was referred to NAET by a woman I met on an Asperger’s therapy web site message board. Alex is now seeing a NAET® doctor, and has cleared the first 5 allergies, with the exception of eggs. That being said, let me share with you what happened yesterday!!!

Alex saw his therapist who hasn’t seen him since he very first started his NAET® treatments. I had not mentioned his allergy treatments to the therapist. I wanted to see if he’d notice enough of a difference in Alex all on his own. After the session, the therapist came out incredibly excited, and dumbfounded! “WHAT has he been LIKE at home?!! This is NOT the SAME KID!!!”

He went on and on about his complete change in behavior, and I just sat grinning and cheering! He said, “This kid is not autistic! Not anymore! No way!” I briefly started telling him about the allergy treatments, and the successes Dr. Nambudripad has had with autistic kids. He couldn’t have been more anxious to get the name and phone number of Alex’s doctor! He was very pleased when I handed him the Doctor’s business card.

I left rejoicing, wanting to fall to my knees right there in public and thank my Creator! What a miracle! Being a little self-conscious, I instead called Alex’s allergy doctor and thanked him. I’ve been on cloud 9 ever since! Blessings in life do not get better than this. Alex’s father and I will be eternally grateful! We will not be silent. We will spread the word of NAET® and the miracle that it is.

Abby Wan

Eagle Mountain, Utah

"Our Son's Autism Cured through N.A.E.T"

Review from a N.A.E.T customer:

We have a 5 year old son who was diagnosed as autistic in the month of May 2004. He is free from autism now. Thanks to NAET®.

We are Caleb Hoverson’s parents, and this letter will attempt to explain where Caleb was, and where he is now, in his communication, social, and physical development. We believe that Dr. Devi, and the staff at her office, have played a major part in Caleb’s growth.

We didn’t want to see what was going on with our son. Anything that didn’t seem normal we just overlooked. Our first glimpse that something might be wrong was when a lady at our church came to us and mentioned that she thought Caleb might have a hearing problem. She thought this because he would not respond when people talked with him. Then when Caleb was three years old and the only thing he would say is “mama,” and incoherent mumbling, our eyes were beginning to open. We were visiting friends and Caleb was playing with their son, he came to his mom and said, “Why is Caleb calling me mama?!” Our eyes were opened more to the fact that there was a real problem.

Caleb called everyone and everything “mama.” Shortly after his third birthday his aunt came to visit and explained to us that there could be something really wrong. Caleb was living in his own world, not interacting with anyone around him, staring into space or at the TV, and not moving for hours at a time. He was not talking, not potty trained, with no apparent desire to do these things. Through our local school district we had Caleb tested and he was diagnosed with autism. We were shocked, but at the same time a little relieved, because we knew something was wrong. This was in May 2004.

In July of 2004 we found out that Dr. Devi was doing a study on autism and might be able to help Caleb. We had our first visit, within hours after his first “NAET® treatment” Caleb put two words together with action. He had a cup of water, and when he had finished all of it, he turned it over and said “all gone.” It was clear and very understandable; it was our first breakthrough.

In September of 2004 Caleb was enrolled into a “special-needs” preschool with other kids who had autism and learning delays. We would get reports that he was aggressive and wouldn’t listen to his teacher. He would pinch and hit other kids and he had no interest in potty training. He didn’t qualify for speech therapy because he didn’t speak enough words, and showed no desire to speak. Everything was still “ma-ma.” After continuing visits to Dr. Devi’s office, small breakthroughs started happening. After starting his “NAET® treatments,” he showed the desire to talk and to listen. It seemed that things in his brain were beginning to connect.

In May of 2005 Caleb began putting 2 and 3 word utterances together, still difficult to understand, but showing a desire to communicate. He was now potty trained and was now looking at you in the eye while you were talking with him. He began to interact with others and show interest in the world around him. In September 2005 he started back to the same school and was retested and qualified for speech therapy because, now, he had words in his personal vocabulary.

Today, Caleb’s teacher has seen huge improvements. He now knows and calls his teacher by name as well as his classmates. He has a “best friend” at school, he counts to 15, knows his ABC’s, knows the letter sounds, and can write his name. He can act on multiple instructions and his motor skills are above “age appropriate.” In his most recent progress report, he met or exceeded all the learning goals set at the beginning of the school year.

He has improved so much, in such a short time, we know without NAET® treatments this progress may not have happened in the time that he has. We have gone from wondering if our son would ever be normal to Caleb entering regular kindergarten next year. Dr. Devi and her staff have been a blessing to us. Caleb’s language continues to improve and move forward…. Thank you Dr. Devi.

Mike and Cindy Hoverson,

Chino, CA

MMR Triggered his Autism

From the notes of a N.A.E.T Practitioner:

A 3 1/2 year old boy was brought to us with mom saying he was “not speaking in sentences.” He had never developed well in his speech. Shortly after an MMR inoculation at age 1, he lost interest in things he previously had enjoyed. He could spell some 40 or 50 words, and could say them, but could never put them in sentences.

He was evaluated at the TEEACH Center in Charlotte and diagnosed as having autism. His physical health had been good generally, with no hospitalizations or operations. He was not known to have many allergies at the time except for having itching ears during pollen season. IgG testing had previously shown to be 3+ on soybeans. Maternal grandmother and aunt had history of hay-fever. Mother described him as being very anxious much of the time.

When we first saw him, he made very little eye contact. NAET treatments were begun and after he cleared basic 12 allergens, plus soybeans and neurotransmitters, his mother reported that his speech therapist was pleased that he was able to pronounce ‘B’ in words which he had not done before. After further clearing with MMR, Hepatitis B, IPV, polio, and DPT vaccines, along with treatment for secretin, and neurotransmitter boost, he walked in on a Saturday morning, looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘Good morning, Dr. Prince,’ in a strong, clear voice. His mother and all our staff were quite pleased at this major change.

Urine and fecal tests had shown him to have high levels of tin and beryllium, so continued treatment included clearings on tin and beryllium, also pesticides, fluoride, bacteria, artificial flavorings and other food additives. His mother told us that prior to beginning NAET, his dad would throw him a ball to try to get him interested in catching it, but he would completely ignore the ball. Not long after completion of NAET treatments, she said his dad was thrilled that he could now throw him a ball and he would catch it thirty times in a row. We are extremely thrilled about the NAET results we are seeing in our autistic population.

Robert Prince, M.D.

NAET of North Carolina,

Charlotte, NC